Hey Jungle,
catching up with many private coaching reviews from 2022.
Man, time flies and my beard gets more like Santa. Last year I was happy to welcome Nils for a two day private coaching.
We had some really cool two days with intense learning and good talks.
We tackled the topic: Learn to paint atmosphere!

This is what Nils said:
"After doing some group classes with Roman, I was keen to deepen a few aspects and decided to do a 2-day private coaching. I wanted to learn more about how miniatures blend into (or contrast with) their surroundings, how to create realistic skin paints and can still manage well with his time while painting.
The private coaching with Roman not only advanced me as a figure painter but also gave me insights into the life and way of thinking of such a gifted artist.
The two days were intense, super pleasant and, in retrospect, over far too quickly.
Roman's flexibility was particularly good, because on the one hand he has a proven program, but on the other hand he was able to respond to my individual needs. Base not built? No problem! Questions about figure photography? Here you go! Despite the packed content, there was never a feeling of time pressure throughout the workshop.
Thank you Roman!" - Nils

"Nachdem ich einige Gruppenkurse bei Roman gemacht
hatte, wollte ich gerne ein paar Aspekte vertiefen und habe mich für ein
zweitägiges Private Coaching entschieden. Ich wollte mehr darüber
lernen, wie sich Miniaturen in ihre Umgebung einfügen (oder davon
abheben), wie man realistische Haut malt und bei all dem noch gut mit
seiner Zeit beim Malen umgehen kann.
Private Coaching mir Roman hat mich nicht nur als Figurenmaler
weitergebracht sondern mir auch Einblicke in das Leben und die Denkweise
eines so begnadeten Künstlers gegeben. Die zwei Tage waren intensiv,
super angenehm und im Nachhinein viel zu schnell vorbei.
gut hat mit Romans Flexibilität gefallen, da er auf der einen Seite ein
bewährtes Programm hat, aber auf der anderen Seite auf meine
individuellen Bedürfnisse eingehen konnte. Base nicht gebaut? Kein
Problem! Fragen zur Figuren Fotografie? Here you go! Während des
gesamten Workshops kam trotz des picke packe vollgepackten Inhalts nie
das Gefühl von Zeitdruck auf.
Vielen Dank Roman!"
"One of my best miniatures so far. Thanks for being such a great sherpa along my painting journey @romanlappat.miniatureart. The minature is Cadin from the Defiance game of Corvus Belli. " Keep on happy painting, Nils!Yours,
booked with Private Coaching lessons until June 2023. If you
are interested in your private coaching for a later date: I setup a
list of interested people and will contact these first - in the order of
the list - when new dates get availaible.
If you are interested in updates on workshop news, sign up for my
Roman Lappat - Workshop NewsletterIf you are interested in more insight in my work, check back with YouTube or Etsy: