Hey Jungle,
inspired by the call of Volomir to raise a #Killteam2020 with 100 points some MV Team Members are following it. Josua, Johannes and Roman are fully into that Warhammer 40k vibe and do start their Kill Teams with 100 Points or more to create a playable force. Gaming boards are in the making. Here are their WIP logbooks, this is #01 ...
A really helpful and inspiring article to plan and execut a themend army is also the one of Johannes: http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2020/06/tutorial-themed-armies-part-one.html
Johannes - Work in Progress
Craftworlds - Asuryani Force
Gunner with Flamer |
Ranger |
Guardian with Shuriken Catapult |
Guardian with Starcannon |
Josua - Work in Progress
Space Wolves Tactical Strike Force
This weeks update is all in favour of my space wolve scout. My list
had one in it and I knew this was an important milestone in my
killteam. I was planing to build my own scout from the start on as I
really dislike the current scout figures. As I know myself to well I
tried to break the building down to not get distracted to much. I
finally was able to finish this quite extencive build containing various
games workshops bitz and some sculpting.
Now only 2 figures left to do. I am probably going for another "regular marine" next t have the seargeant as the last figure to work on.
Roman - Work in Progress
Dark Angel Tactical Strike Force
"Wing of Vengeance"
Astra Militarum "Inquisitor Uriam Stelios and his Retuine"
Well, for the moment my gang is completed with 100 points. At least the Dark Angels ...really a proud moment, for me this feels like an army completed :D
I am continuing to build new members for the Team to bring them up to twenty miniatures for campaigning tabletop ... here are the next ones in line:
Two Terminators ...
One new Reiver Sergeant ...
One Company Veteran for hammer time!
And another company veteran for the hot stuff!
Besides the Dark Angels I am really enjoying to create unique, grimdark models that fit to my Inquisitor retuine that I plan to play as a killteam of Astra Militarium ...

You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
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