Hey everyone!
Some believed this project dead: The Massive Voodoo Zombie Community Project.
Well, it was sort of undead, yes. Still walking, but somehow dead.
Some, including me had doubts if it ever will see its end.
It did and a diorama with 407 miniatures was finished recently.
A beast of a diorama, including 407 miniatures in scale 28mm and lots of
superglue. Thanks to everyone involved as a large amount of Zombies
were painted by the great help of this amazing community. I only painted
about 90 Miniatures myself, including the survivors. Thank you all!
Without your help this would have not been possible! Special sculpting
work by Kevin James White included. Thanks to Andrew for putting the
title in my head: "The Last Bite". It did not leave me. Time to take a deep breath now and show you more of it soon!
Here is just a little preview of "the Last Bite".

More will follow, including a 360° video in 4k with details. Stay tuned!
It is much work and I still feel a bit exhausted after finishing this.
Another topic that is dear to my heart.
My etsy shop.
First of all thanks to those who stop by and support me!
Thank you for the great feedback so far!
I know and heard that some do not like it. They feel offended in a way I personally can not understand.
I even heard someone guessing "this diorama was created for a shop wall". This made me sad. Yes, I created a PDF about the creation of this diorama for my etsy shop. Yes, it is not a free tutorial on Massive Voodoo. Yes, I say this loudly.
hope you do not blaim me that I took the decision 18 years back to be a
self employed artist and teacher. I hope you do not blaim me for
putting a 101 paged PDF that explains the creation of this Diorama in my
etsy shop for under 10,00 €. So far I wrote over 400 free articles to
share the miniature love and my experiences, in forums, on Massive
Voodoo. I hope you do not blaim me in starting an etsy shop with some
high quality articles in times of the pandemic where teaching in group
seminars is not as easy as it was before. The world changes, my job does
too. If you blaim me, I am sorry.
Let me know your thoughts.
can be sure that this diorama was not created for an etsy shop front.
Starting it with the community aspect almost six years ago had different
reasons. And these reasons are dear in my heart, this is why everyone involved in this project can get it for free (there is a describtion in the PDF that explains details). If you want and if you participated in it you can get your money back. No kidding, but I am proving it as sometimes the internet can be full of trolls.
Well, my etsy shop helps me to survive and it is fun.
I lost fun in writing articles on Massive Voodoo, share my experience in miniature painting and teaching to see the same content used afterwards in You Tube videos and Tutorials you got to pay for. I just lost joy in thinking about writing my own knowledge down for free. I do not say my wisdom is unique. My experience and how I explain it, is. From it, how you understand things is unique too.
With my etsy shop I found that joy back. I am taking photos all the time. Work in Progress, in nature and all the time as my brain wants to teach and explain again. I am wrapping up old articles I wrote ten years ago with not so good english, correct them and add my nowadays knowledge to it. For putting them on etsy, not on MV, yes. Some will blaim me for it, others will be thankful.
Writing these articles takes time. I do not want to teach in video format as the speed of consuming is too fast in my eyes. You will learn of course, but not in the way that fits to my teaching style. I want the painters who learn from me take their time. Invest their time in learning. Not brainless consuming of too many videos on how to paint a certain technique. Of course I say this provocative. I do not mean it in this way. I say this to make you understand my point of view.
I will add more to my etsy shop.And once in a while I will add tutorials to MV again.
I am proud of the articles so far published on
Much more to come in the future and yes,
you can call this advertisment if you like.
Or you can call it RomanLappat+as plus is the new cool!
... you can like it, or not. You can support it, or you can not.
I am thankful to everyone who supports it and
will give my best to help you grow as a happy painter.
Thank you!
Coming soon: