posted by roman, jarhead, kong
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
We are sketching our colour scheme, listen to fine music, drink VISS glass cleaner ... by mistake, still breathe, paint much, explore new horizons on colourful skies and clean our brushes in our coffee cups ... by mistake again :)
Impressions - A blurry shot first:
Wild painting to you all!
We are going to do some leather parts now ...
Best Wishes
Roman & Thorsten
We are sketching our colour scheme, listen to fine music, drink VISS glass cleaner ... by mistake, still breathe, paint much, explore new horizons on colourful skies and clean our brushes in our coffee cups ... by mistake again :)
Impressions - A blurry shot first:
Wild painting to you all!
We are going to do some leather parts now ...
Best Wishes
Roman & Thorsten
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Aloa Jungle visitors,
as Thorsten arrived yesterday we did not take much time to wait to begin.
We started to look on his homework as he painted a Brekk Bust from Forged Monkey for preparation.
My wish was that Thorsten painted the bust in his actual highest quality in front of the private class.We talked about improvement on some spots on the bust, had some theory about technique, used the airbrush wisely for a good start, shared thoughts on colours and soon switched to start painting the days "Learning figure", Warrior Troll from Enigma as it is really a miniature to explain and learn well. Some impressions from the first half day. Today we start massively to reach for more colour on it.
So far from my Private Practice - read more during this day as Thorsten truely learns so fast and is a fountain of inspiration for me too :)
We wish you all a blessed painting day!
Best Wishes
Roman & Thorsten
Aloa Jungle visitors,
as Thorsten arrived yesterday we did not take much time to wait to begin.
We started to look on his homework as he painted a Brekk Bust from Forged Monkey for preparation.
My wish was that Thorsten painted the bust in his actual highest quality in front of the private class.We talked about improvement on some spots on the bust, had some theory about technique, used the airbrush wisely for a good start, shared thoughts on colours and soon switched to start painting the days "Learning figure", Warrior Troll from Enigma as it is really a miniature to explain and learn well. Some impressions from the first half day. Today we start massively to reach for more colour on it.
So far from my Private Practice - read more during this day as Thorsten truely learns so fast and is a fountain of inspiration for me too :)
We wish you all a blessed painting day!
Best Wishes
Roman & Thorsten
posted by Ben Komets, Mandrill, Mr White Rabbit
Hi Jungle followers ..
after quit a long time silence from me..
i´m here shouting in the endless beauty of the jungle..
i´m more than happy to share one of my latest projects for Maelstromgames with you!!
its Krull -"the servile Lord of Dis"
to be honest its one of the finest minis i ever had the joy to paint..
Such great Volumes ...such great Detail and Texture!!
Its sculpted by the uebertalented Dan Cockersell
for the great Guys over at Maelstromgames
The Concept Art is from the marvelous Stefan Kopinski
thank you guys and everyone who was involved in that awesome mini..
Here can also find additional views from the minis
i also put those up to cmon ... if one or the other might wanna vote ..
and i´m more than happy over critics and comments
all the best
Hi Jungle followers ..
after quit a long time silence from me..
i´m here shouting in the endless beauty of the jungle..
i´m more than happy to share one of my latest projects for Maelstromgames with you!!
its Krull -"the servile Lord of Dis"
to be honest its one of the finest minis i ever had the joy to paint..
Such great Volumes ...such great Detail and Texture!!
Its sculpted by the uebertalented Dan Cockersell
for the great Guys over at Maelstromgames
The Concept Art is from the marvelous Stefan Kopinski
thank you guys and everyone who was involved in that awesome mini..
Here can also find additional views from the minis
i also put those up to cmon ... if one or the other might wanna vote ..
and i´m more than happy over critics and comments
all the best
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
... all my troubles seemed to fade away -
I was getting ready for the private practice here at my home ...
Now it is time to pick up my first participant for individual coaching ever soon from the train station :)
So far - read more about what Thorsten and I are up to in the upcoming days ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
... all my troubles seemed to fade away -
I was getting ready for the private practice here at my home ...
Now it is time to pick up my first participant for individual coaching ever soon from the train station :)
So far - read more about what Thorsten and I are up to in the upcoming days ...
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
While running through the dungeons of my MV-structures and reorganising things I have found ... now guess what, yes, photos. Not really worth talking about but I have to :)
I found a photo were I cleaned my messy airbrush. That does not happen very often but to prove here follows the shot.
If you want to keep your airbrush clean I recommand the follow up
While running through the dungeons of my MV-structures and reorganising things I have found ... now guess what, yes, photos. Not really worth talking about but I have to :)
I found a photo were I cleaned my messy airbrush. That does not happen very often but to prove here follows the shot.
If you want to keep your airbrush clean I recommand the follow up
Generalpoleaxe contributed this very useful article to the jungle.
If you wonder what you see on the next photo just check this article up here ...
Guide that shows you how you can create your own rust pigments.
And now deeper into the dungeons!
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
as mentioned before I start a little article sum up now.
The first one is about painting a face on a bust. I don't want to talk about a colour reciepe, techniques or the perfect way to do it as I did not plan the article on this subject. This is more about where to place your highlights in your skin tone while working on a face. Apologies for a not perfect article - I somehow got lost in the bust and it ain't finished yet while I write this article.
I did prime the face black and white like described in this article:
My first go with some skin colour was from a pretty used wet palette ...
... which is often the reason for being not able to explain properly what I was painting. I was mixing my skin colour from the colours I had there and so it happened that a little gentle touch of green appears in the skin. But sometimes I like to paint that way ... and I just can't help myself to a cleaner way of doing it. My intention while bringing up my basic tone was to get every area opaque and this means I had to bring on the colour in about 3 steps to hide the priming. This basic tone is pretty bright as you can see.
Next I have used some Oil colours to gently get in my first shadows and light. Both at the moment only sketches.
After baking the Oil colour again (see linked article above for more information about it) I started to sketch more and more with the shadow areas to get them darker. Also painted the beard, not sure what colour he might get in the end but I wanted to have this natural frame around the main facial area - same to the hair. Just sketching ...
On the next photo we slowly reach the point of this article. Prominent highlight spots in a face. For sure this always depends on your light painting. If you paint zenithal lightning or use another light direction, for example lower front left you will place your shadows where needed to simulate your light situation. I am painting a pretty casual zenithal light with a gentle angle to the front of the bust.
Now to check where the first hightlight sketching went I made a little black and white photo to explain this for your eyes.
This first sketch helps me organise my further work. Now is the time for Apologies again I told you I just stopped making photos as I did paint on the bust over several weeks for only moments.
In the end I just followed to flow of intensing contrast in the skin, working out details and cleaning the areas. I still got a lot ahead for the cleaning point but it grows and he will get a guitar instead of the rifle. He ain't a soldier, he is just a tramp ... and still mucho work in progresso!
As you can see the shadow areas are more intensed now. Lights are also slowly dropping in to become detail work - like a sharp stronger light on a bright area - it becomes working in smaller areas. As you can see there are still some ugly spots but nothing future won't heal ...
These are just my thoughts on prominet highlight spots in a face. I often do paint those also in smaller scales as they bring out a face properly.I hope you can get which spots I mean even I did not explain it in words. Use your eyes and always remember in the end you can paint your faces like you want to!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
as mentioned before I start a little article sum up now.
The first one is about painting a face on a bust. I don't want to talk about a colour reciepe, techniques or the perfect way to do it as I did not plan the article on this subject. This is more about where to place your highlights in your skin tone while working on a face. Apologies for a not perfect article - I somehow got lost in the bust and it ain't finished yet while I write this article.
I did prime the face black and white like described in this article:
My first go with some skin colour was from a pretty used wet palette ...
... which is often the reason for being not able to explain properly what I was painting. I was mixing my skin colour from the colours I had there and so it happened that a little gentle touch of green appears in the skin. But sometimes I like to paint that way ... and I just can't help myself to a cleaner way of doing it. My intention while bringing up my basic tone was to get every area opaque and this means I had to bring on the colour in about 3 steps to hide the priming. This basic tone is pretty bright as you can see.
Next I have used some Oil colours to gently get in my first shadows and light. Both at the moment only sketches.
After baking the Oil colour again (see linked article above for more information about it) I started to sketch more and more with the shadow areas to get them darker. Also painted the beard, not sure what colour he might get in the end but I wanted to have this natural frame around the main facial area - same to the hair. Just sketching ...
On the next photo we slowly reach the point of this article. Prominent highlight spots in a face. For sure this always depends on your light painting. If you paint zenithal lightning or use another light direction, for example lower front left you will place your shadows where needed to simulate your light situation. I am painting a pretty casual zenithal light with a gentle angle to the front of the bust.
Now to check where the first hightlight sketching went I made a little black and white photo to explain this for your eyes.
I guess way easier to understand but not really beautiful:
This first sketch helps me organise my further work. Now is the time for Apologies again I told you I just stopped making photos as I did paint on the bust over several weeks for only moments.
In the end I just followed to flow of intensing contrast in the skin, working out details and cleaning the areas. I still got a lot ahead for the cleaning point but it grows and he will get a guitar instead of the rifle. He ain't a soldier, he is just a tramp ... and still mucho work in progresso!
As you can see the shadow areas are more intensed now. Lights are also slowly dropping in to become detail work - like a sharp stronger light on a bright area - it becomes working in smaller areas. As you can see there are still some ugly spots but nothing future won't heal ...
These are just my thoughts on prominet highlight spots in a face. I often do paint those also in smaller scales as they bring out a face properly.I hope you can get which spots I mean even I did not explain it in words. Use your eyes and always remember in the end you can paint your faces like you want to!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Aloa Jungle Visitors,
somehow many things kept me from regular blogging lately. Less motivation in painting, preparing projects and there was also a little bit of Diablo III. Whatever, it is time again to keep the jungle bouncing on a regular daily basis again and I will do that with some unperfect articles I got ready or unready since months.
The following articles are not completly finished due several reasons. On some I was waiting for other monkeys to bring something in to it and it never happened, on some I just wasn't sure to keep the photo series alive on some I just forget to do photos and in some I just lost faith. In the end I decided to just summ them up now for you, maybe there is something interesting for you to find ...
So keep an eye out for that unfinished business :D
Starting today.
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Aloa Jungle Visitors,
somehow many things kept me from regular blogging lately. Less motivation in painting, preparing projects and there was also a little bit of Diablo III. Whatever, it is time again to keep the jungle bouncing on a regular daily basis again and I will do that with some unperfect articles I got ready or unready since months.
The following articles are not completly finished due several reasons. On some I was waiting for other monkeys to bring something in to it and it never happened, on some I just wasn't sure to keep the photo series alive on some I just forget to do photos and in some I just lost faith. In the end I decided to just summ them up now for you, maybe there is something interesting for you to find ...
So keep an eye out for that unfinished business :D
Starting today.
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
The jungle is very silent during the last days, but silence must not be a bad sign :)
Several reasons for this fact but painting is soon back on the table as my first private practice lesson with Thorsten at my home is rolling in. He will arrive this Tuesday and we will paint until Thursday with massive lessons to learn ... I am really looking forward to it and I am prepared and ready to help with all I know and all I can do with a brush. I am really excited as he is too :)
To those who already wrote me an email about a happening similiar - be sure to keep an eye out - this is my first test run and if it is a success there will be more private practice classes in the future with more information to all interested in this subject ...
Today I am starting to prepare both our figures ... kind of the same but totally different.
A little report will drop in from Tuesday on ...
The jungle is very silent during the last days, but silence must not be a bad sign :)
Several reasons for this fact but painting is soon back on the table as my first private practice lesson with Thorsten at my home is rolling in. He will arrive this Tuesday and we will paint until Thursday with massive lessons to learn ... I am really looking forward to it and I am prepared and ready to help with all I know and all I can do with a brush. I am really excited as he is too :)
To those who already wrote me an email about a happening similiar - be sure to keep an eye out - this is my first test run and if it is a success there will be more private practice classes in the future with more information to all interested in this subject ...
Today I am starting to prepare both our figures ... kind of the same but totally different.
A little report will drop in from Tuesday on ...
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
posted by roman, jarhead, kong
Aloa visitor of the jungle,
this is just a little update as there was a note brought by a raven ... ehm, I mean a parrot as there are no raven in the jungle :)
We finally managed to get the prizes for the 3 winners on the road as it took a while to find a really strong parrot to carry these big bags. Thanks again for all your great entries.
Oh yeah - I am still planning to do this on facebook, but time is short very often these days.
Oh yeah, still working on that, but at the moment it is kinda quiet around the project as there are others with higher priority!
You guys and gals won't believe what is coming at you soon, murharrrhhararrrraarrrrrr! BÄMALÄMDINGDONG!!! Yean, already preparing, but it will take a while :)
Meanwhile don't forget about the awesome Contest - THE RUSSIAN ALTERNATIVE - our this months additional jungle support partner. Check the rules for this contest and hurry - get some wild barbarians or other figures and let your brushes dance!!!
Seriously and honestly: I will not be able to make a second video of this weekend. Time is slipping away these days and work and life calls on me.
The class in Paris (France) is now finally prepared and all people interested should have recieved their final invitation email with details and more information about the class. Please make sure to pay in time to confirm your place among the few.
There are now 2 classes in Hamburg (Germany) after so many people have been interested in taking part. The first weekend is already filled up to the limits but the second weekend holds still some free spots for maybe exactly you!
One of the upcoming classes is in July in Ludwigsburg (Germany) and you might be able to get your place due the waiting list - check it here!
At the moment I am planning a class in Augsburg, my hometown again, maybe for the upcoming summer months and another class maybe together with Games Workshop in Cologne. Also I got to start planning a class in Vienna, Austria soon. But no more information unless there is more exact talk.
Raffa and I are preparing the first follow up class that we will have in about 2~3 weeks in Aachen, Germany. This is gonna be magical we promise. There are still some free spots so maybe we see you in Aachen?
03.01.2012 Saarwellingen, Germany, 15,00 $
11.01.2012 Löhne, Germany, 20,00 $
06.02.2012 Tokyo, Japan, 20,00 $
03.03.2012 Berlin, Germany 20,00 $
19.03.2012 Mondovi, Italy 5,00 $
27.03.2012 Girona, Spain, 60,00 $
28.03.2012 Tulsa 50,00 $
11.04.2012 Sebnitz, 10,00 $
23.04.2012 Little Canada, USA, 15,00 $
06.05.2012 Berlin, Germany, 20,00 $
Not many but those truely worth a look:
Masterminis - where we learn to be a better painter!
Julien Casses - Tutorial, Great Base
cBart Miniatures - Tutorial, Painting Space Wolves
I like gasmasks
Richard Sharpe in LEGO
Diablo III - Wrath
To People who love to dance
Chris Kuksi's Work
Drawings from the Napoleonic Wars
Boobies! Boobies! Boobies!
Lately I am not using my youtube playlists very often as in Germany there are different rules and it ain't easy to keep a playlist alive - without an institution closing videos for german viewers - and grooveshark already closed in Germany so I am using Spotify, which indeed is great.
But here is a little track I really like lately for massive basing power on epic projects - text is kinda stupid but I like the drive.
Mmh ... It took some years to learn the ways of the muse
... and I still don't undersand her very often.
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Aloa visitor of the jungle,
this is just a little update as there was a note brought by a raven ... ehm, I mean a parrot as there are no raven in the jungle :)
We finally managed to get the prizes for the 3 winners on the road as it took a while to find a really strong parrot to carry these big bags. Thanks again for all your great entries.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh yeah - I am still planning to do this on facebook, but time is short very often these days.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh yeah, still working on that, but at the moment it is kinda quiet around the project as there are others with higher priority!
You guys and gals won't believe what is coming at you soon, murharrrhhararrrraarrrrrr! BÄMALÄMDINGDONG!!! Yean, already preparing, but it will take a while :)
Meanwhile don't forget about the awesome Contest - THE RUSSIAN ALTERNATIVE - our this months additional jungle support partner. Check the rules for this contest and hurry - get some wild barbarians or other figures and let your brushes dance!!!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seriously and honestly: I will not be able to make a second video of this weekend. Time is slipping away these days and work and life calls on me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The class in Paris (France) is now finally prepared and all people interested should have recieved their final invitation email with details and more information about the class. Please make sure to pay in time to confirm your place among the few.
There are now 2 classes in Hamburg (Germany) after so many people have been interested in taking part. The first weekend is already filled up to the limits but the second weekend holds still some free spots for maybe exactly you!
One of the upcoming classes is in July in Ludwigsburg (Germany) and you might be able to get your place due the waiting list - check it here!
At the moment I am planning a class in Augsburg, my hometown again, maybe for the upcoming summer months and another class maybe together with Games Workshop in Cologne. Also I got to start planning a class in Vienna, Austria soon. But no more information unless there is more exact talk.
Raffa and I are preparing the first follow up class that we will have in about 2~3 weeks in Aachen, Germany. This is gonna be magical we promise. There are still some free spots so maybe we see you in Aachen?
THE JUNGLE SO FAR IN 2012 VIA DONATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03.01.2012 Saarwellingen, Germany, 15,00 $
11.01.2012 Löhne, Germany, 20,00 $
06.02.2012 Tokyo, Japan, 20,00 $
03.03.2012 Berlin, Germany 20,00 $
19.03.2012 Mondovi, Italy 5,00 $
27.03.2012 Girona, Spain, 60,00 $
28.03.2012 Tulsa 50,00 $
11.04.2012 Sebnitz, 10,00 $
23.04.2012 Little Canada, USA, 15,00 $
06.05.2012 Berlin, Germany, 20,00 $
Not many but those truely worth a look:
Masterminis - where we learn to be a better painter!
Julien Casses - Tutorial, Great Base
cBart Miniatures - Tutorial, Painting Space Wolves
I like gasmasks
Richard Sharpe in LEGO
Diablo III - Wrath
To People who love to dance
Chris Kuksi's Work
Drawings from the Napoleonic Wars
Boobies! Boobies! Boobies!
Lately I am not using my youtube playlists very often as in Germany there are different rules and it ain't easy to keep a playlist alive - without an institution closing videos for german viewers - and grooveshark already closed in Germany so I am using Spotify, which indeed is great.
But here is a little track I really like lately for massive basing power on epic projects - text is kinda stupid but I like the drive.
Mmh ... It took some years to learn the ways of the muse
... and I still don't undersand her very often.
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
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