10 February 2022

Review: Private Coaching with Claas

Hey Jungle!

This time I got another review for you.
A review of a private coaching I had some weeks ago with Claas aka

Two days with talented and focused student I was looking forward to meet.

Claas had so many questions, so many plans to put in these two days, so much energy that it was lovely to prepare the coaching for him.

This is what Claas said about his coaching:

"When I contacted Roman I had a lot of questions in my head and after we wrote some E-Mails I asked myself if I was hoping for too many answers in a short time of two days of private coaching. Now, after the coaching, I can tell you that the most difficult part about it and the new knowledge is to sum it up in a few lines…

Mainly I felt stuck with painting atmosphere. Whatever I did the miniature didn’t looked alike how I wanted it to be. With that problem I entered Roman’s studio and I was impressed by his setting in which you can feel a spirit of creativity. Why I point it out you’ll get at the end of the review.

As I said it is impossible to write down everything that I learned in a short time. But looking back the most important thing about Roman’s way of teaching was: with all the theoretical content, the exercises and demonstrated explanations on his miniature, he pushed me to a point where I could solve the irritation and ongoing questions I had before and answer some of them by myself. There is not better way of learning!

I began to observe objects differently and to analyze light and colors in a way that it makes sense for the whole conception of the miniature scenery. He changed my whole painting process in a way that it feels like it makes sense what I was doing with a concrete vision of the miniature and it’s setting. For the whole time I felt enthusiasm and with every brushstroke I saw that I made another little step to the vision I had in mind. So I think that this is what it means when it comes to happy painting. Needless to say that Roman is impressive as a person and as a teacher and heading back at home felt like I had spend a really good time with a friend.

So mybe there is one question left that I should answer exactly.
Why did I point out the atmosphere of Roman’s studio at the beginning of my review? When I was back at home I discovered little things and details that bothered me at my working space without noticing it before concretely. So I changed it and for example I broke up with colors sorted by recipes. And sitting there for the first time made me smile. So in conclusion I learned so much more about painting what I couldn’t expect to when I wrote my first E-Mail to Roman. Furthermore I found answers to questions that I had never asked before. What more could I expect? Roman, thank you so much for this experience it was phenomenal in so many levels! Happy painting everybody!"

- Claas


Thank you again, Claas for your will to learn from me!
I really enjoyed the two days with you. Thank you for the wonderful chats and your steep learning curve! It has been a pleasure to see you understand more about painting and visualization of it!

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes

Actual information about workshops & private coachings!

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