14 July 2021

Review: Private Coaching with Philip

"I want to thank you again for the great day yesterday, it was super interesting and I learned a lot"
- Philip

Philip & me


What a day!
Welcome to another private coaching review.

This time Philip visited me for one day only, not the typical two day coaching.
He got the coaching as a birthday gift from his cool wife and it was intense and very cool!

When we figured out Philip's learning goal I asked him to tell me anything he wanted to learn and I would sort and plan the day to get the maximum out of it for him. This is his lot of what Philip wanted to learn:

  • Light and shadow (e.g. for armor and weapons) 
  • Soft transitions (blending with glazes, stippling, etc.) 
  • Painting techniques for NON Metallic Metal (NMM) and TRUE Metallic Metal (TMM)
  • Luminous effects (e.g. plasma guarantees, etc.) 
  • Paint entire armies (increase speed) 
  • Painting fabric (especially capes and coats) 
  • Paint the skin
  • Paint eyes 
  • Airbrush (cleaning, general tips)

Quite a lot!
Well, we managed to do it all :D

What a day! I managed to put it all in order to give detail explanations, training time and painting time for Philip. If you want to see more of Philip's miniatures check

As Space Marines are Philip's favourite miniatures we trained it all on Space Marine miniatures from Games Workshop.
Philip's painting style so far was based on GW's painting techniques that already do look
great on Marines ...

Miniatures on the table ...

After some theory it was time to understand a different method on placing highlights to a miniature:
Zenital Light ... Philip did very well and when he said "I saw so many tutorials and videos about it, but now after five minutes of theory I understood it completly" made me smile ...

my explanation piece ...

Thank you for your wish and trust to learn from me, Philip!
It has been a great day with you! Thank you for the good chats and your focus!
Happy Painting to you!



If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via

Write me an email and we can make it work!

If you are interested in a private coaching session or the actual news on workshops, please read:

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

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