07 October 2020

MV Killteams #02 - Josua, Johannes and Roman

 Hey Jungle,

inspired by the call of Volomir to raise a #Killteam2020 with 100 points some MV Team Members are following it. Josua, Johannes and Roman are fully into that Warhammer 40k vibe and do start their Kill Teams with 100 Points or more to create a playable force. Gaming boards are in the making. Here are their WIP logbooks, this is #01 ...

A really helpful and inspiring article to plan and execut a themend army is also the one of Johannes:

Johannes - Work in Progress #01
Craftworlds - Asuryani Force

After the Howling Banshee Exarch I wanted to steer my attention towards the biggest part of my kill team, the Guardians. I wanted to be able to choose between 2 Gunners with fusion gun and 2 Gunners with flamer. So I've built 2 versions with each weapon. As I don't have any special weapons kits, I went with my own interpretation of each weapon. 

Gunner with flamer

Gunner with fusion gun

Gunner with fusion gun
Gunner with fusion gun

In addition to 2 Gunners with fusion gun and one with flamer (the second Gunner with flamer will be finished in a future part), I finished my leader, who is also a Guardian, as I mainly want to use his passive Bonus and want to keep him out of danger as much as possible.

Guardian Leader

And a group photo of Part 2:

"Say cheeeeeese..."



Josua - Work in Progress #01
Space Wolves Tactical Strike Force

After the last update some major changes happened to my scout character. I decoded that the first version was to bulky and to close to the other Spacemarines. 

The main body is based on an enforcer from necromunda which gives the scout a more sneaky and less bulky siluet.
To change the look to s more wild feel I swaped the arms of the envorcer to bare muscular arms.

On the painting side of the whole crew did not happen much. I still managed to start the pretty unuasal ghili suit of my sniper once again realizing it is not easy at all to coapy real nature color schemes. 

I am plannimg to finish the build of the scout next week and continuing on the sniper stay tuned!


Roman - Work in Progress #01
Dark Angel Tactical Strike Force
"Wing of Vengeance"

After painting the sergeant of my squad I decided to paint the next three marines in a row in a little simpler fashion than their leader. To save time and get the squad pushed forward ...

My comm specialist ...

My demolition specialist ...

And a regular Primaris on the left here ...

It is really interesting to paint a unit/team again. It is interesting how my motivational curve behaves ... during painting them it felt like a pain in the crack, but when finished I was proud ...

What really helped me is my project ping-pong ... So I decided to kitbash something else on the go and went for a cool looking model of an Inquisitor ...


Hope you like them so far!
Keep on happy painting!


Read more about our #killteam2020s, next week!

1 comment:

  1. For Johannes.

    Really love the bases for your killteam the colours are so intense! What kind of pigments did you use? Thanks!
