17 October 2017

Tip of the week

Good Morning Jungle,

today tip of the week is again about MV's challenge that ends this week.
It is more an information post on how this challenge ends this week and gives you all information you need to have a good feeling while taking partor when the challenge is over:

- Sent your entries in until October 19th 2017, Thursday (this week)
as soon as the calender hits the 20th on Roman's time (located in Augsburg, Germany) entries are not accepted. You will recieve a confirmation mail once your entry was checked. Please write your full name and adress to the email. We need this in case you will win a prize or are lucky concerning the random price pool raffle.

- Will I recieve a confimation mail as soon as I sent my email?
No. We do not have a monkey sitting in front of a screen and waiting for your mails to show up. Roman will regularly check his emails and as soon as several entries arrived and he finds time, he will check back with them and sents out confirmation mails. Please be patient on this. You might even find some confirmation mails going out on Friday. If your entry arrived in the given timeframe and we might encounter and issue with photos or such, we will inform you and it will still be valid, even when you recieve your confirmation mail on Friday.

- Can I show my photos of my final entry after October 19th?
Yes you are allowed to. Starting on October 20th everyone is allowed to show his final entry whereever he/she wants to, forums, blogs, galleries, facebook, events, etc.

- When can I expect to see the full gallery of entries?
As we are heading towards and back from the SMC over the upcoming weekend we ask a little patience. As we gave you time to finish your entries give us time to organise everything in the background. Estimated time table to show full galleries are the two weeks after the SMC. We have more information for you at this point. So stay tuned.

- When will MV announce the winners?
Well, as soon as we show the full gallery we already showing you all winners, as everybody who took part in the challenge is a on a big win. You took the challenge, succeeded and learned something new and fun. Of course we will announce the challenge winners and also the random prize pool winners, but this is happening after we showed the full gallery and took our time for proper judging work.
We keep you informed.

- When will MV sent out the prizes?
Well, step by step. Everything. We will keep you informed, but as Roman is handling these things on his own - beside everything else he has to do - it will take a moment or three. Easy. We tell you.

- How many entries have you recieved so far?
Today, Tuesday, 17th October, 09:12 (bavarian local time):

Waterbase Challenge: 12
Infinity Challenge: 18

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.


  1. " as everybody who took part in the challenge is a on a big win. You took the challenge, succeeded and learned something new and fun "

    thats the true spirit, and the reason why i take part in MV contest!!


  2. @Hrld:
    Same for me. Participating is all about it. Can't wait to see all the entries!

  3. I had so much fun this year i have missed out on the timing of so many and this year everything just fell into place! LOVED IT! Don't care about the prizes, it was the journey and being a part of it that was fun:) Can't wait to see the other entries!

  4. Same for me. I enjoyed painting Poe and I really like how he turned out. A new technique could be practiced. Thanks for hosting that contest!
