16 October 2017

Nikola Tesla

Hi Jungle,

recently I have finished a comission work for Infamy Games, a beautiful bust of Nikola Tesla.
This bust really has some challenges and the biggest one is the dynamic lightning situation going on. I made plenty of thoughts on how to tackle this and really enjoyed the result. Hope you like it too?

Nikola Tesla
Infamy Games, 1/12

If you want to see more photos of Nikola, check back with
or romanlappat.com.

I also made a photo of the bust in my hands for scale:

If you are interested, some of the progress can be seen on my Instagram profile.
I did quite a lot of photos to one day write an article about my painting steps and thoughts on this bust, but at the moment I have around 50+ articles that I could write without finding the time to write it :(

This bust is not for sale as it was a comission work for a box art, but if you want to check back with miniature project I got for sale, feel invited to check back with my PDF cataloge.Thank you for your support in my work, art and passion.

Keep on happy painting!

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