08 July 2015

Bananalicious 2 - Newsflash

Hey Jungle Painters, 

we did it - we showed you all 290 entries of our latest contest.  We did it.
Once again we want to thank everyone who took part in this massive online contest. The biggest one ever held in miniature painting history, because of you!

On one hand we'd like to say sorry to everyone as this took us so long, but on the other hand we decided that is all your fault. You brought in too many too cool entries! :D

You can find all entries here:
Sculpting Category
Army Category
Special: Base
Diorama, part 1
Diorama, part 2
Historical Standard
Historical Master
Fantasy Standard, part 1
Fantasy Standard, part 2
Fantasy Standard, part 3
Fantasy Master, part 1 
Fantasy Master, part 2

How do we proceed now?

- Next Monday we'll see the results of the Random Prize Pool lottery. Roman wrote a list of all the names of every participant. All in all 202 different participants entered the contest
and - thanks to our sponsors - we give away 45 random prizes. We will ask of your postal adresses if you are one of the winners. Stay tuned, Monday it is! 

- Raffa and Roman - your judges of the contest will start their judging work. Believe it or not this will take at least two weeks from now on as our task is a hard one. Many discussions and decisions have to be talked of to find the winners of the medals in each category and the best of-prizes.

- As soon as judging is done we will present the winners of each category and ask for your postal adresses again if you are one of the medal winners.

- As soon as this is behind us we will start with shipping out medals and random prizes.
- As soon as this is done we call the Bananalicious done! Yay!

Right now twenty four medals are prepared for you all 
- handmade of course by one busy monkey!

Stay tuned! Again, if you want to say thanks to Massive Voodoo feel free to drop a jungle donation!
Here is some music to keep you at bay!




H. M. (friendly Jungle Painter)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Lots of work form your side. Thanks for investing so much time and love into our beloved hobby.
