29 April 2014

Forged Hope - Contest Update

Hello Robot-Forgers,

as Massive Voodoo's Contest "Forged Hope" is up since two weeks
it is about time to bring you all an update.

This update is to announce an addition to the three main prizes.
There also will be a random prize pool again. This means everybody who enters the contest
has the chance to win one of the prizes in the pool by being randomly picked.

Random Prize #01
We start the random prize pool with a brand new Issue of the Scale Model Handbook, Number 8. Sponsored by Putty&Paint.

Random Prize #02
The great Gaul bust by Yedharo is sponsored by CoolMiniorNot.

Random Prize #03
A cool robot Battlegroup for the game Warmachine. Thanks Privateer Press!

Random Prize #04 
MV trainee Sanne decided to hand out one of her "Jason" casts to one lucky random winner.

Random Prize #05
Sgt. Blackart sponsored one "Kate" from their Terrible Kids Stuff range.We heard rumors that she is already sold out! Very cool! Gracie Mille!

Random Prize #06
Imbrian Arts sponsors some drunk town folk of the recently unpacked Miniatures. Time for a lucky winner to get utterly drunk, eh? Thanks a lot!

Random Prize #07
Our friends from Sgt. Blackart sponsored another miniature as an addition to the random prize pool. 
This time it is "Smokingclouds", a really cool and funny sculpt. Gracie Mille!

Random Prize #08
This time we have to say thanks to BigPandaV.de, a pretty young and cool online store for your hobby equipment, who throws in a supply package, cool for every hobby enthusiast. Thank you!

Random Prize #09
This time the random prize pool is growing bigger with thanks to Sockelmacher.de, who throws in two fine plinths for your hobby joy!

Random Prize #10
One brand new copy of one of Roman's favourite inspirational book from the beautiful city of Paris, brought to you by Sanne who went there for holidays a while ago. She had homework and she did well, thank you Sanne!

Random Prize #11
This update on the random prize pool is sponsored by Modelmates and brings one bright Rust Effect and one green Verdigris Effect to the lucky winner. Thanks to Modelmates!

Random Prize #12
This time one lucky person who enters the contest will get six cool pigments from Broken Toad. 
Thanks for their help!

Random Prize #13
Forged Monkey hands out a brand new, yet unreleased bust of "Jamal" to one lucky winner. Thanks for the support!

Random Prize #14
Our friends from Hong Kong, Marrow Productions sent a copy of their "Borrack Bull General" from their game "Journey" to make one lucky winner happy. Check this out:

Random Prize #15
This is a big basing and color package by our friends from Secret Weapon,
a massive load of really cool stuff! Thanks to Mr. Justin and Secret Weapon!


Random Prize #16
This time Massive Voodoo's gratitude goes to "Ayora Studio" from Sevilla, Spain who supports the random prize pool with one of his cool 54 mm "Captain Crocodile"-sculpts.

Random Prize #17
This time sponsored by our friends from Wonderlands Project.
Five cool models will find a new home with this random prize, including their brand new model "Whati, the War Turtle".

Random Prize #18
One of Massive Voodoo's Figure-Art Artbooks, signed by Roman and Raffa with special thanks of telling you how great it is that you took part in the Forged Hope Program!

Random Prize #19
Coming soon! 


  1. Still waiting on the parts :(

  2. I'm still waiting too but I got the email they had been shipped a while ago so hopefully they will be here soon.

  3. We hope they will arrive soon to you both too.
    Keep us updated.

  4. @Mg
    You will be happy about the next announcement about the contest then :)

  5. The Random prizes are pretty sweeeeet :D

  6. yea Kate is sold out I went and had a look today
