26 March 2014

Mu 43 - Toad King, Aradia Miniatures

Quak, quak,

you all know me for a big fan of Allan Carrasco's Sculpts and his job he has done for Aradia Miniatures lately was again something I am in need to throw some colour on: The Toad King.

Time for another Miniatures Unpacked, quak, quak. 

Ultralovely figure and so I ordered it right away and it arrived pretty quick. This is how it arrives. Packed in a plastic blister and in bubble wrap envelope. Not the perfect way I would say as if something heavy lands on top of it, the blister does not really secure the figure from damage. Just a thought, but mine arrived without harm.

Opening up you find the body as one piece, cast in resin and a small bag with all the other parts of the figure also cast in resin. First edition is at 150 copies of the figure and I guess with number #06 I was quick :D. I would not call that figure a limited one as there might be a second edition or even a third. So no need to panic. What does the word limited mean today anyway?

Man this Toad has power ... and Aradia Miniatures is doing a Toad-King-Contest, got to scroll down a little. I am thinking of taking part as I have a cool vision of him and I can't wait to see many more come up with cool ideas for that great frog.

Having a closer look on the blister's content really makes me want to start him right away. Really good Resin, lovely and weird detailed parts. Truly fun. Quality of the cast looks fine too. There are several small mould lines but they are easily removed.

Big Bull getting his horns sanded and his muscles prepared.

Yesterday I cleaned the figure already and all I can say is that the fitting of the parts is also working without problems. The parts are all prepared to blend into eacother without a big hustle. Great work!
Great sculpt! All hail to the great Toad King! Quak! Quak!

First Steps on converting the figure. As I told you the build up is pretty easy. I had to remove small mould lines and fill one small gap:

Jungle recommandation on this one if you are thinking to paint this cool frog up!

Talking about reviews - check the review on BeeSPutty and win some of that stuff over here!

Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Don't know exactly why, but for some reason this is one of the few miniatures from Allan which I just don't like. To me it is a rather boring sculpt and missing the elegancy and exceptionalism of Allan's other sculpts... Not saying it's a bad miniature, not at all. But definitely not my cup of tea.

  2. Mmh... I would call that personal taste, eh? I had the same problem with Rocco for example, just did not catch the things I personally like on Allan's Sculpts on that big beast ... it's a good thing though that everyone has his own cup of tea. Looking forward to see you soon! :)

  3. It´s a fantastic you version ;)

  4. Fantastic sculpt
    ok some may like some may not , but allans really made this toad/fog like!
