26 March 2014


Oh dear jungle,

the Hasslespree is not over yet.

I have painted another Hasslefree figure for the joy of painting lately. Really, another one? But why o why? Well, just look at Grimdalf and you know why this guy has to be painted. Maybe I am in love with Hasslefree's right now? Figure was done quick again to test some techniques and just the joy of painting it.

You shall not ... dwarf? WTF?

Hasslefree, 28 mm

Keep on  happy painting!
Best Wishes


  1. Peter aka BaphometMarch 26, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    GUDULF!!! :D looks great!

  2. Happy that you like him :)

    Even I do not understand "GUDULF"^^

  3. Thanks! Happy that you like him!
    I really enjoyed painting this cool tiny character ... as it catches all the drama from the original movie figure Gandalf, but seized down to a dwarf ... so ridicilous and funny that I had to bring my brush to it!
