03 July 2013

Win Games Day Ticket, Germany -

Hello beautiful people,

many of you took part in our little competition to win a free Games Day Ticket for the german Games Day, in August in Cologne. Your task was to tell us why you urgently want to win it and we decided to give it to the best answer. You can see the competition and the answers here.

Thanks to everyone who took part - we really enjoyed reading your thoughts and ideas and plans. Sadly we were not able to choose a winner as your answers were all so good. We did not expect such enourmous and emotional answers at all. We decided to take everyone from the comments and use random.org to give away the ticket. The first winner "Lister" did not answer my call and my reminders so it is time to give away the ticket to another person via random,org:



Please write an email to jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com with the title "free Games Day ticket" and hand me over your postal adress.

So far,
we still hope that we will see many of you there in Cologne!


  1. hey! Im amroth! i can´t believe it! I need a mail where I can send my postal address please. thanks for all ;)

  2. Peter aka BaphometJuly 4, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    Hey Amroth,

    congratz to your ticket. The Mail is:



  3. Go Amroth go!
    Now we want you to kick some ass! Figuratively of course ;)
