30 January 2012

Going mad on icicles ...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Today it is truely getting cold in Augsburg, our hometown ...
I am drinking tea once in a while and spent most of the day with doing icicles like here or here!

 Creating icicles
This article shows you how you can do icicles.

Bad thing still is:
I need way more ... many more!

Happy Painting!


  1. YOU are the craziest monkey of them all! Great work on that Sentinel roman - I really like that work.

  2. Hoho a frozen Sentinel ! It looks great, can,t wait to see it!!! :DD

  3. Looks cool. in the truest sense of the word.
    And now: (Melody of "Bycicle Race" from Queen)
    I want to make an icicle I want to make some ice...;)))

  4. I hate icicles ...

    no, just kidding :)
