30 January 2012

Ben Komets via Miniature Mentor?

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Some news from the MV Gang, especially the Mandrill
- Ben, yeah Ben Komets did a damn cool video about creating and painting unique bases for
Miniature Mentor.


  1. Das Video ist Mega, hab's gestern gekauft und es hat mich echt umgehauen
    was Qualität und das können angeht.
    Dachte es handelt sich nur um den Bau, aber noch
    geiler ist es, das er sie auch noch anmalt.

  2. Does he tell what he is doing in german ?

  3. @Schuby
    Ey! This is still an english spoken blog - it would be no problem if we would write german in here ... no language discussion in here - ough! Mr. Ali, it was good to see you again btw.

    Nope. The spoken language in the video is english.

  4. Ok buddy, now i write only in english, im the english pro ;-) just kidding.
    It has done good to see you massive crew at the weekend.
    I hope the next waiting time is not so long

  5. I can also recommend the Miniature Mentor tutorials. Also bought the download yesterday, great quality and fun to watch.

  6. sure, miniature mentor are very nice, good quality, and as I love basing, I would probably buy this one !
    Thanks for the info Roman !
