16 September 2011

Proportional Paula

posted by Mati, Badsmile, orang utan

Hey there Jungle friends !

Today I bring you proportional Paula, the girlfriend of proportional Pete who was presented a while back. Again, you can save the picture to your computer and resize it to your desired size.
One version with fancy lines and one without for you.

EXPLICIT CONTENT as she's nekkid and you can see some lady parts...

For a bigger version, just click the pics as usual.

And the fancy lines version:

Hope you have a good use for these and enjoy the sculpting !

Stay tuned for more proportion charts in the future.

Cheers and a nice weekend to everybody !


  1. Thanks a bunch for the lady - fits well to the male and i think this could help many others! Thanks buddy! Already included to the article section!!

  2. Thanks, this really complements the other one!

    How about doing the two on the same sheet, to show the proportional size between male and female (Like I've done on my templates - http://ironmammoth.blogspot.com/p/purchase-my-figure-sculpting-scale_25.html)?

  3. Soon, got a few more to come and then there will be a comparison sheet with all of them.

  4. i like her MV tattoo...
