09 May 2011

Ol' good eye

posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,....

Hey everyone!

At the moment painting is pure fun and relaxation to me... as i'm on a training for my soon to come business i'm really exhausted when coming home... it's nice to know that my girlfriend and roman are waiting for me every day :) aaaaaaand of course miniatures!

At the moment i'm working on the wonderful pirate bust from JMD.
I started painting him with oils, it's so much fun to work more intuitive with oils... :)
Right now i'm working on the final details with acrylics....

The photo is pretty bad... on the next one you see his tattoo... maybe you recognize it! :)

Other projects i'm working on is a simple Grey Knight:

Also i made a new base for my demon prince...

Aaaand last but not least something that will still take some time :)

I hope you like some of the stuff :)



  1. Red Bull might give you WINNNNNGS but powerthirst gives you BIIIIIIIIIIRDS ! Looking great Raffa ! Can't wait for the final model.

  2. Great work here, Raffa!! I believe you and Roman will start of to new lands when working more intensily with oil colours. This is a pretty nice version of JMDs pirate (like it much more than the promo) and a great hommage to Captain Roberto.

  3. The pirate is a really, really likeable guy.

  4. Raffa,
    I would like to know if you have ever experienced any problems painting with acrylics on top of oil?
    I remember someone telling me that acrylics don't work well on top of an oil base, so I am wondering what you think.
    Thanks in advance!
