10 May 2011

Game of Thrones

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


  1. Hey ! The show is amazing ! Hope you guys have read the George RR Martin's Books, cause they are very good!

  2. The show looks very promising. I'm still reading the books but once I've finished them I'll start watching it too (even though I know that the first season is based on book I only).

  3. Epic Story in the books. And a wounderful tv adaption. Awesome looks and realy nice feeling

  4. This is just simply great...I've been following George R.r. Martin's blog for a while. I rejoiced when the show was announced and yesterday I watched the 3rd episode "Lord Snow" Even my girlfriend is becoming a fan fast! And the 12th of July the next book is coming out. I guess the horus heresy series will have to wait :-D
