10 January 2011

Work in Progress

Posted by Raffa, Picster, Capuchin,...

I just made some work in progress shots to show you guys the process of my actual, yet unnamed project :)

Hope you like it this far!


  1. Awesome shit!
    If there wasn't glue in the background, i couldn't tell it's a mini.
    Looking forward to the finished piece.

  2. Beautiful! I especially love the transissions between the animal and human skin. Also a nice shield. Is it a freehand?
    Please keep on painting!

  3. i really love you dioramas, and this one esceed its self for being so delicate and original but I must say I really hate those wooden sockets. In this case and in many others it just breaks the illusion and doesnt add nothing. being black makes them a little better but they are just plain ugly. I really get disapointed when seeing a great diorama wih this nearly baroque frames and name plates.
    it may seem that im overreacting, but as you show in your minis: details matter "god is in the details"
    keep up the great work
    Rodrigo Queirós

  4. Hey, thanks for your feedback ;)
    @Rodrigo: In this case the socket is a neccessary evil... i can't let the wood fly in the sky ;)
    There is a big pin connecting the wood to the ground... without such a big base it would move and eventually fall over.
