11 January 2011

Gallery Update rolling in...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

There will be some gallery updates soon, for example like this!
Let us know what you think?


  1. Very nice! Makes it quite easy to view all the pictures.

  2. A slideshow maybe with some dramatic music would be perfect. While clicking the mouse-button you can`t enjoy these great pieces of art relaxed... This gallery is a very nice addition to this side. Thanks.

  3. Nice idea to make a compilation of all the great artwork that you had produce over the years...

    As a slight kritic (and don't know how easy is to organised galleries on the net) maybe a bit more organised by subjects, perhaps, and more different views of the model on each section...but as said I don't know hwow esy could be....

    Great effort and thanks again for a great inspiration....good karma!!!

  4. Good idea ! But like Mario said, wouldn't be too bad to have some "system" to shed some light on the artistic chaos :P
