21 January 2011

The Newbold Challenge rolls in again...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

A quote of Mr. Ian Newbold:

"The Newbold Challenge has raised just over £25,000 for charity (mainly Children in Need) since its inception 5 years ago. The 2011 Challenge will be attempting to add to this by raising around £5,000 for Children with Leukaemia.

1st Creative Event of the 2011 Challenge is now open for entries but doesn't close until 31 March 2011. As usual there are cash prizes for the winners and we'll make matching donations to Children with Leukaemia.

You can read up on the 2011 Challenge at :-


And you can read up on the few
Event rules we have at :-

And finally you can view the
early entries for the 1st Event of 2011 at :-

Let's fill this up and help!

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