21 October 2010

WIP and stuff...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Spending less time in the internet these days really helps me... i feel that cure and health is not far away :) - Here is a WIP shot of the metals of the Spanish Admiral i am working on at the moment:

Also i have finished two other models for the german steampunk tabletop "Götterdämmerung". The goal on these paintjobs is to achieve a nice looking gaming standard, only say it if anybody wonders why i might have not pulled all strings of my guitar while painting them :) - still got to rework tiny areas before making a big shipping tomorrow in all directions (Hon, Vittorio, Daniela - you will recieve your parcels soon) - remember these are not the official photos, just my shots to see what i have finished...

Keep playing your songs!
Best Regards


  1. The bust is coming along nice....I'd really like to see the finished piece in real.
    But you have failed with your comissionwork...... if this is "nice gaming standard" then my gaming standard minis have to be classified as utter rubbish :D

  2. I love the Götterdämmerung figures!

    Where did you find those as I have been unable to find them anywhere

  3. The Spanish Admiral already has very very nice colors!
