22 October 2010

Massive Voodoo Surprise Box again!

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

While i have been ill at home, thinking about life and its deeper meanings, listening to fine music, i've realized i have too much stuff around here...

I will pack another Jungle Suprise Box with tons of cool stuff, slowly while cleaning up my mess. There will be colours, Pigments, the baking soda i use for creating snow, basing stuff, for example like punched sheets, Work in Progress bases i will never finish, miniatures and other weird crazy gorilla stuff which you also can find used in the article section of the jungle.
When the parcel is finally packed you may have your chance to ebid it on ebay by a starting price of 0.99 USD. Guess that is fair...

Hope you like my weird idea - here is a shy first step of packing the box:

We had such a surprise box going on at our Birthday Present and Mario won it - he really was fascinated by its content, am i right, Mario?

Also we are slowly reaching 400 (!!) subscribers on the blog and there will be another painted miniature to be won for you, this time it is painted by Robert aka muhani, but i will show it to you when the 400 is done :)

Keep on happy painting!


  1. The birthday box was a dream...packed, and I mean packed with goodies to build several minis, which were included, hehehehe....

    Thanks again to the Jungle gang and keep the happy painting and spread the karma!!!

  2. sweet idea guys! Happy Painting for all

  3. I hope customs dont decide to open the package if you send it overseas... hehe, white powders and basing flock looks a bit suspect to those 'not in the hobby' :)
