13 August 2010

Nighttime WIPs...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Conversion of the Nun started gently... strange base painted also... WIP, nothing more to say:

Preparation of Magic Sculp...


Muhhhaahhharrrr!! Nun with gun on bad photo...


  1. Her hand holding the gun is posed really unnaturally. Can you do something to fix that? Perhaps if you angled the arm down a bit, and angled the hand up a bit. Unfortunately resin doesn't bend.

  2. @David
    You're right - i got to fix that somehow... i am on it soon... thanks for the input!

  3. Are that those Hirstarts Parts?
    It looks very Interesting...
    Zee aka Carsten

  4. I like the way you change the position of the head!

  5. @Zee
    Nope... not Hirst-Arts, the floor is some stoney gipsum wall and the arc was a gift from a friend who helped building up a big architect model in the fitting seize...

    Did you do a second google account for reaching the 300? Oh dear... haha, well done :) - no need for that, bro! :)

  6. Hi,

    don't get me wrong here-I don't anna cheat or anything to get that mini-don't orry about that ;)

    In fact I just never sa "me" among the subscriber list on the right ( I relate this to the fact that until now I just "like" Massivevoodoo on facebook), also I'm a bit tired of the "Gunslinger" nickname, which I use in all the forums I'm hopping around and for online gaming...so I thought it may be time for something new without any backthoughts on your challenge which already slipped out of my messed brain :) I think this whole thing is more personal or whatever...

    I hope you understand what I mean :)
