10 March 2010

Tutorial - Basing on slim sockets

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

After i finally managed to update the Tutorial section with all the new Tutorials in form of banners (check them out) i have again some space to look into the future. Don't miss to look at Yvonne's fat Article about Blending. Here we go with 2 fun bases i did beside. They were just build for fun as i was in the mood to build up some bases.

Building a display base on a slim socket

I was in the mood for a change. When i look into my cabinet there is a lot of finished stuff, done on big sockets. I was in the mood of something more elegant. I did shot some pictures and maybe this could be an inspiration for some of you.

I took a slim 4-edged wooden batten and cut it in small pieces with a saw. I planned to have two sides plain and to make this look good i choose to try a method i saw over at Jim's cool blog - Figure it out. Using plastic card for the plain edges was my goal. I did cut the plastic card into fitting pieces and made it clean from the cutting process by using fine sandpaper. Then i glued the plastic card in place by using super glue.

Next step, all glued together, another go with the sandpaper at the upper edge to make it plain was needed:

Preparing Milliput Standard Yellow by mixing it together 1/1 to fill up the empty space. I also prepared some slate stones which i did cut in pieces with an old knife. Don't use a scalpel for such things, they are not hard enough and you might hurt you badly - old knife is perfect or you can also use a hammer - you know hammertime!

After i brought the Milliput in place i also placed the stones into it and arranged them as i wished. It is pretty cool as you can move the stones to the place you want them while the milliput is still soft. I tried to fit the miniatures in place and moved the stones like i want to. I also build up another slim base with some gypsum pieces because the mood was so big. After everything was dry i cleaned the edges again by using sandpaper (not done at the photo yet, haha):

The models which i put up to the base are from the left, Pulp City's some kind of evil Little Red Riding Hood and a chinese warrior of Helldorado, both in 28 mm. I am not sure if i will paint them up soon, there is still something else to do but i was in the mood to build a base as i told you.

I hope this could inspire... even it is a really short article...

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Thanks for the tutorial.


  2. Always welcome, Tony... very nice blog you got there! Really was strucked down for a big moment, i will keep an eye on that cool stuff you are doing over there - you got linked up to the jungle :)

  3. great idea. Thanks!

  4. After this step, do you prime the miniature on the display base and paint the miniature on the base or do you prime and paint them apart?

  5. I usually prime both together if the base is not build to high (for example a tree or a wall). If I am able to reach every part of the miniature I will paint base and model together. If the base is to big I paint them seperatly.
