16 March 2010

Show some Balls! Winners

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

Good morning.

After 4 hours of sleep i am proud to announce the winners of the Contest.
First i want to say it was not an easy decision and all the apes had hard work to do. Again we want to say that the Jungle is proud of you, of every single one who did participate and we can not really find words to thank you for your participation and your creativity shown by everyone. Every single ball you have shown here is great on its own, but we had to choose 3 of them.  We are very thankful, also for your help to raise the donation to Dawn and her apes up to 70,00 $.

Please don't be angry at the jungle if you won't be listed up in the winners list, jury work is never easy and there had been some really hard decision to make. I will explain later on how we decided and what system we used to do so.

Bamboo Chakka!
Bamboo Chakka again!
And the winners are... starting with the 3rd place:

3rd Place at the "Show some balls! Contest"
4 banana points

2nd Place at  the "Show some balls! Contest"
8 Banana Points

1st Place at the "Show some balls! Contest"
Bloodmaster / Moon
10 Banana-points

Congratulations to the Winners!

As told  you will get your prices. Bloodmaster will recieve a crate of one of bavarias finest beer and additional to this the surprise gift of Pasquale and Rodriguez:

The second and third place will recieve a wonderful "MASSIVE VOODOO-Hobby-Care-Box", which will include Miniatures, Stuff for basing, inspirational other things, 2 great bust sockets by the Sockelmacher.de and a various number of cool PK-Pro Resin bases. Here i want to thank our 2 helpers again:

We got 3 canditates who will recieve a banana, shipped to you fresh from the jungle. Daniel, because we didn't really see what you had done with your ball (small pictures), Klaus and Johnny for their disqualifications. Your Bananas will be at your home soon.
The randomly chosen surprise gift will be sent to Noeste, it contains a Coconut, fresh from the Jungle and some PK-Pro Bases.

IMPORTANT to all named here: 
Please write an email to 
jarhead --- at --- massivevoodoo --- dot --- com
to have further talk about your prices and chat about the shipping information we need to send you your price. Please be patient to recieve your answer and your won prize as i am only human and try my best to make this as fast as i can.

Again i want to thank everyone who did take part, it was not easy for us and we hope everyone is happy with the result. We are really looking forward to your thoughts or congratulations to the winners via comment.

Now let me explain how the Jungle Jury worked:
- Everyone of us was able to name 3 balls, placing them in order from place 1 to 3.
- The 3rd place got 1 Banana-point
- The 2nd place got 2 Banana-points
- The 1st place got 3 Banana points
- The apes did not know what the other Apes had choosen
- Then we added all 5 oppinions together and the balls with the most Banana-points are now listed above

The "Show some balls! Contest 2010" will get an extra area where all of your balls will be shown and where the contest can be reviewed, soon linked to the upper navigation bar.

Thank you a lot for your bravery and creativity to be a part of this. You made this MASSIVE. For those who are from Germany and will come to the Duke of Bavaria in Ingolstadt this April, please bring your ball as we thought about making a display with all entries. Don't forget. Maybe we could find someone who could coordinate this at place in the end of April. Just drop me a line. Also i want to mention that everyone who wears MASSIVE VOODOO wear on this weekend in Ingolstadt, will recieve a Banana from us.

After i promised some surprises to be shown in here i will let them drop in now. Palak did show some balls without really knowing about the contest over on her blog, she realized it later on and it was too late to take part in the competition, but this lady really got balls over there. It is called EAP - Experience Art Project - you have to check this out over on her blog.

Also i have done my ball as i told you earlier - it is nothing special compared to your great entries. I was lazy and did not have the time to catch up a good idea. After my sculpey ball was pinned to a metal stick i simply threw it over my wet palette and the result was some kind of strange planet in a galaxy far, far away - i hope you like it:

Still missing Robert's ball but he is hardly and silently working on his ship project so i am not sure if he will make it to show some balls! :)

I hope you enjoyed this contest run by your MASSIVE VOODOO Crew - there soon will be other contests thundering in with great prices to catch your creativity and ideas. We hope to see you participate in those as well. Thanks again to everyone involved in this special creative experience... feel free to drop a comment in here to tell everyone how you liked it or simply say wow about the Wow!-Feeling the participants brought into this contest.

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Very nice competion - bloodmasters wins deserved in my opinion.

    Regards Count

  2. Congratulation to all winners of the contest!

  3. A big Thanks into the jungle for this competition and congratulations to the winners. Great entries indeed!!!

    Looking forward to your next contest.

    Greets, Sabine

  4. Congrats to all the winners :-) It hasn`t been easy to make the decision. And I`m so sad that not every entry could get a prize because I think you all did an amazing job at all those balls :-)

  5. Congratualtions to all participants ! Great work you did there. And it is not easy to come up with a nice and original idea for a painted sphere.

    Thx for your participation in this little contest and watch out for the next few to come !

    Regards, Mati aka the BADSMILE
