16 March 2010

Pulp City Hoodoo finished...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong


Before i got to take the doggy for a walk (taking care over a big dog during the day for 3 weeks at the moment / 2 weeks to go) i will drop a short posting to annoye you :)

Got that lady from Pulp City finished. Her name is "Hoodoo" and she is some kind of mixture between little Red Riding Hood and a Voodoo shaman. She also had a wolf but i did not want to paint that one up together with her. There will be a basing tutorial up soon on how i did the bog on this forest base. Hope you like her!

Hoodoo, Pulp City, 28 mm

Also i found this picture on my camera from one of Raffa's actual WIPs... Muh! It is the Minotaure from Artefactory.

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Got a crazy view this minotaur ^^

    Regards Count

  2. WOW! Another cool figure. And the base work is just fantastic!


  3. The hoody girl is very very cool...and the base too!
    Very impressive eyes on the minotaur...looking forward to seeing new pics there:)

  4. Thanks for your feedback... the base at the Hoodoo is a try to keep it simple and small, but not without messing up the natural look of a base... maybe i'll make it to post the base work tutorial soon...

  5. I've been following your blog for a while and I really like your style. Flawless technique, great colour schemes. This mini is no exception.
    I'm really amazed by the amount of minis that you paint on a regular basis, keep it up!
