09 March 2010

Show some balls! final spurt...

posted by roman, jarhead, kong

I don't want to set the world on fire, i just want to start a flame in your heart... flaming hearts are needed - the Final spurt of the Show some balls Competiton! is now closing in. Show your balls, roll one or two up with some putty (about 5 Minutes of your day) and paint it!

The end date of the contest is Wednesday, March 10th, Midnight (GMT+1).

We are recieving entries daily, but i guess outside in this world are still a lot more people with balls! :)
I wish for the moon and the golden rainbow to see some more :)

Show them!
Keep on happy painting!

PS: Did i mention this: I don't want to leave the jungle anymore :)


  1. Oh fu** totaly forgot the competition.
    I hope I have enough time to paint a nice pair of balls.
