07 January 2010

Mortheim Witchhunter finished...


another model jumping from the workbench-jungle. A Mortheim Witchhunter, 28 mm by Games Workshop from a little Mortheim group comission (i am not able to take on new comissions at the moment). There will be a small vignette to them someday when finished. Painted in acrylics as always. 

I did decide a dirty greyish look for the models to paint up, wanted them to look like hardened fighters in a dirty city for a long time. I guess when the little display base is done and everything is painted up it will get more clearer.

Witchhunter, Games Workshop, 28 mm

You may find a tutorial on the face here and one of the base here!

Hope you like him!
He is also up to CMON!

Keep on happy painting!

1 comment:

  1. I like! Damn cool scuplt( the face and the chopped head:)) and nice paintjob too! I think I'll take myself a bit of time and try all this stuff out...
