14 April 2023

REVIEW: Private Coaching with Christian


"What an incredible ride.
Last week I spent two days with the wonderful Roman Lappat, whom I'm sure everyone here knows. He took me by the hand and gave me a very impressive introduction to the subject of atmospheric painting.

He also showed me a few tricks and an approach to atmospheric speed painting.

Those were two very exhausting, very exciting, very funny and incredibly productive days. Thank you Roman, for the great time I was allowed to spend as a guest in your halls.

Simply unforgettable

I painted this great model of @blightbones and I love both the cool model and the atmosphere created."

- Christian

Thank you for your patience in finally making this date and coaching happen, Christian.
From a teacher's perspective I can say I am a proud teacher when I look back on your steep learning curve and the result you were able to push out. 

I also enjoyed our speedpainting explorations!

I am already able to see how well you understand the principles of atmospheric painting on your Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krakencult.art/

It makes me happy to see!

Keep on happy painting, Christian!


Fully booked with Private Coaching lessons until June 2023.
If you are interested in your private coaching for a later date: I setup a list of interested people and will contact these first - in the order of the list - when new dates get available.

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