26 November 2020

MV Challenge 2020: Full gallery and Fan Award

Aloa everyone!
You all are crazy and left us speechless!
So many cool entries with the tiny astronauts. They travelled way far beyond our imagination and you all did wonderful! Thank you for making this challenge such a huge success and beautiful!

You can count yourselve as winners
already as you are a part of this gallery and made it what it is: an excellent and fabolous collection of how far creativity can take everyone of us and the imagination behind every entry is just adorable! We want to thank you from our hearts for the joy you all brought to the MV Challenge 2020.

Before you enter the full gallery:

It happens in the gallery. These are the rules:

1. You need a Google Account and be signed in

2. The first picture of an entry matters

3. Place a comment

4. A comment on the first picture of an entry is counted as a vote for the Fan Award

5. You can comment on several of your favourites

6. No limitation, but you can only comment once to a single entry

7. On December 5th we will pick the winner of the Fan Award by picking the one with the most   comments on the first entry picture


Without further ado:
This is the link to the enourmous gallery of the MV Challenge 2020

You can be very proud of you being part of this!
Spread the word, share the link with friends, family and in social media! This is just unbelievable!


While you can enjoy the full gallery now, the MV-Team: Josua, Johannes, Sebastian, Hansrainer, David, Daniele, Philip and myself start to vote for first cut. It means we are picking the ones who will go the next step in judging. Please know that this does not mean we dislike any of your work. It is just horrible to judge so many beautiful entries fairly to arrive at a destination to call three of them medal winners. Already, everyone is a winner who got an entry in.

We are judging your entries in terms of

  • creativity
  • execution
  • idea

Unfortanetely in an online contest, photo quality is also a judging criteria. We can only judge what we see. From our view no photos are really bad, but some are better than others and show the entry and work in more detail. Be sure to know that this is not our main judging criteria.
They are listed above.

The results of the first cut, Random Prize Pool Winners and Fan Award will be available
on December 7th. It will be visible in the change of the gallery as we sort it again.

Then starts the next round: Second Cut.
The second cut brings everyone together who are running for a medal before we make a final decision. We will keep you posted on all steps via this channel.

Stay tuned!

If you want to support us with coffee, tea, tissues for tears, chocolate or boxing gloves please know that all donations to the jungle will not change our judging decisions.

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

24 November 2020

News: MV Challenge 2020 is over!

Hey Space Travellers,

it is about time! 

The Massive Voodoo Challenge 2020
ended yesterday midnight and hell yeah you all went way far beyond your imagination! Thank you all for your beautiful creations, the stories you told and the joy you had.

The final entry counter from yesterday midnight is:

Out of competition:

This is so amazing, unbelievable and wild!

Thank you all for sending out so many tiny astronauts to encounter vast spaces, great stories, unbelievable action and some even found love out there! YOU ALL HAVE DONE GREAT! Thank you for making this challenge so exciting! Again, it shows that Massive Voodoo is the people, you! Thank you for being such a great community!

did sent out all confirmation of your entries by now. If you are missing yours, please check back in your Spam folder or contact Roman via jarhead(at)massivevoodoo(dot)com

 How we proceed from now on:

  • All entries will be uploaded to a full gallery in the next couple of days.
  • We are setting up an excel sheet for all entries that the MV Team will use for judging.
  • We will do a first cut, a second cut and then pick final winners.
  • This will all be visible in the gallery.
  • We keep you all informed on each step.

  • as soon as the gallery is open it is time for you all to vote the "Fan Award", we will inform you how you can do it as soon as we got the right idea :D

  • in the next couple of weeks we will also announce the winners of the random prize pool

... we only ask for a little patience as you can not imagine the workload of organisation that is going on in the back to keep this all organised. And well, no, we are not a team of astronauts sitting in a space office in front of our computers. It is mainly one big, bald astronaut, organising this behind the curtains. Getting everything ready for the MV Team to do proper judging work!

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

In the meantime we have another addition to the random prize pool (the last one). Thanks to Oliver who offered this 1/6 Manga kit:

A donation from Oliver, a 1/6 Manga kit:


Also other Prize news:

At the moment Roman and Momo are working on creating some metal pins with small astronauts to make everyone who takes part in the challenge recieve a pin for his bravery! Stay tuned! Work in Progress!

We were not able to manage that! Too many things happened recently (for example: Roman has to move unplanned as his landlord needs the flat) and funds and time for this idea were not available. We are really sorry!

A special prize will be added for the one with the most entries:
Mr Lee's Minis is dropping in a double book special: One of Roman's original Miniatureart Artbooks and one special book, a testprint that was used to find our way in the journey of book printing. It is different than the original and shows a lot of process.

If you want to get your own copy of this book, check back with Mr Lee's Minis:


So far from Organisation Mothership!
Keep on happy painting and stay tuned!
Roman & MV-Team

19 November 2020

Review: Private Coaching with Sebastian

 Hey Jungle,

time for another review on a recently held private coaching session.
Man, I do miss teaching and I am happy that I can at least teach in individual session, like these Private Coachings ...

This time Sebastian visited me for a two day private coaching we planned for a longer time ahead, but then Covid-19 stopped us earlier this year. Recently we were able to sit down together in one on one.

Sebastian's impressive result of two days private coaching with me

me & Sebastian

Let's hear what Sebastian has to say about his coaching experience:

"Before I asked for the private coaching with Roman, I already attended several of his workshops. Each time Roman sent me on a journey and each time I found something beautiful on the way. This time was no different, and yet the hours with Roman were different from the workshops before.

I turned to Roman in October 2019 for private coaching to show me how to handle a 72 mm miniature. We agreed on a date in March 2020, shortly after a beginners workshop in Augsburg. The idea was that we would use the workshop to prepare the miniature and the basis for private coaching. Then Corona happened and the world was upside down. The beginners' workshop was the last workshop Roman could teach shortly before the lockdown, and we agreed to postpone the private coaching. A few months later the situation was better and Roman announced that he would finally offer private coaching again. I did not hesitate and asked for a new date.

In the meantime I had a lot of time to paint and that changed me. As the date for the private coaching approached, I knew that I wanted to learn something different after all. The big scale no longer appealed to me. On the other hand, I still wanted to learn how to approach large flat surfaces and bring them to life. So we set a new goal and studied texture and overall contrast instead.

I really enjoyed painting with Roman, his approach to the subject and the calm and clear way he teaches. I knew his style of teaching before, so I knew to listen to the important parts. During my stay, we chatted a lot and had many off-topic discussions. I'm not sure if Roman didn't find it strange that I asked so little about miniature painting, but for me it was more important to soak up the moment.

AAs I said before, I've had several workshops, and this is a constant for me. The MASSIVE VOODOOO starts a few days or even weeks later. It was no different here. While we focused on how to paint texture and how to build contrast on large areas, something else filled me up. Nothing less than confidence in my abilities. Roman said that in our toolbox there are many tools and many approaches to reach our goal, it is up to us to decide. The coaching gave me the self-confidence to do this."

- Sebastian

Sebastian's result is impressive

"Hi Roman,

ich denke ich muss noch eine E-Mail nachschießen, da ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob der englische Text richtig rüberkommt.

Was ich damit ausdrücken wollte ist ganz einfach. Wie auch nach jeden Workshop mit dir braucht es bei mir eine gewisse Zeit, bis ich verstehe, was genau ich mitgenommen habe. Bei den Sachthemen ist das ja einfach, bei meinem Coaching war das etwas schwieriger und hat daher auch länger gedauert. Gestern Abend war es dann soweit.

Ich habe in den letzten Wochen nur Dinge bemalt, die ich teilweise schon seit über einem Jahr rumstehen hatte und mich nicht getraut habe die anzufassen. Das lag daran, dass ich kein Vertrauen in mich hatte, dass das Ergebnis ansehnlich wird. Das hat sich durch unser Coaching geändert. Ich glaube der Schlüssel dabei war zu verstehen, dass es viele Wege ans Ziel gibt und wir uns aus allen Möglichkeiten eine auswählen dürfen, um ans Ziel zu kommen.

Im Frühjahr habe ich oft darüber nachgedacht WIE ich etwas machen möchte und teilweise beschlossen, dass das zu komplex ist. Dann war die Miniatur wieder auf dem Regal und durfte weiter Staub ansetzen. Jetzt denke ich eher darüber nach WAS ich machen möchte und habe dann das Selbstvertrauen meine Toolbox zu nehmen und anzufangen. Und wenn es nicht dahin geht, wo ich es haben möchte, dann suche ich mir einen anderen Weg. Das WIE ist dadurch in den Hintergrund gerückt und blockiert mich nicht mehr.

Und das war das eigentliche MASSIVE VOODOO unserer gemeinsamen Zeit.

In diesem Sinne viele Grüße und Happy Painting!"

- Sebastian

happy student, happy teacher

Thank you, Sebastian for again trusting my teaching skills and knowledge. It was my pleasure to welcome you to the Studio and spent these two nice days with you! Arrigato!

Keep on happy painting!

If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via

Feel invited to check back with this PDF document to see if your personal coaching date is in reach. Write me an email and we can make it work!

If you are interested in a private coaching session or the actual news on workshops, please read:

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

16 November 2020

Review: Private Coaching with Christoph

 Hey Jungle,

time for another review on a recently held private coaching session.
Man, I do miss teaching and I am happy that I can at least teach in individual session, like these Private Coachings ...

This time Christoph visited me for a two day coaching in
the MV Studio

Christoph says:

"This was going to be my second private coaching with Roman.
I had a great private coaching last year in May with Roman
Link so I decided that it was again time to learn some more 😊

I wanted to learn more about painting TMM and skin. So I sent a picture of a “tru metal” album with a lot of Skin to Roman to guess the topic. Since the album was “fighting the world” Roman guessed I might want to learn more about Space Marines. After we had that cleared up, I decided to be more straight forward.

After I arrived, we chatted a bit about which of the minis I brought I’d paint. Both of us being Ilyad Miniature fans, we settled on a blister of their barbarians. We started out with the contrast ranges of reflective metals versus matt surfaces. My painting memory was a little rusty after a summer where I hardly touched a brush but spent my free time gardening and such.


The first day went fast as I was painting contrast ranges of shiny metal on various training items. I spent so much time painting those NMMs and TMMs I felt a bit like karate kid, learning through repetition. It worked 😊. At some point I noticed that I had forgotten to take pictures at all. I decided to take a few pics right away. When I couldn’t get any nice photos of my TMM pieces, I asked Roman if he could take some. He told me yes, but why would I want these photos? I didn’t know at first and noticed after a short moment I’d only need them to show off. My Sensei had taught me an important wisdom 😊.

 On the morning of the second day we finally started painting the minis. Half the axe blade took me forever, but then I really got rolling and the rest of the metal on my barbarian was painted in no time. This was my next “Zen” moment, I got so much faster by painting neat from the start, training and understanding of what I wanted to accomplish. We spent the rest of the day with skin tones which were a lot of fun to paint.

I was again extremely happy with my private coaching.
Thank you Roman."

It does not make sense to just paint something.
Important is to understand it first ...


Training that knowledge ...

Christoph painted the more warmer skintoned Barbarian here
during his coaching and he learned a lot. I painted the other one for explanation purpose.

Not only in terms of metallics or non metallics or skintone, but for me as a teacher who knows his student since some years, the most imporant part was: Calm down! Paint with patience and joy, for you, not for social media or anything. For you! When this hit home and Christoph painted with patience I really was proud of him on the results he could achieve!

I want to thank you Christoph!
Not only for being a long time student of mine, but also for being a friend I can rely on in strange or difficult moments. Thank you!


If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via

Feel invited to check back with this PDF document to see if your personal coaching date is in reach. Write me an email and we can make it work!

If you are interested in a private coaching session or the actual news on workshops, please read:

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.