08 April 2020

Miniac did such a cool video!

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  1. Thank you for the link.

    I tend to browse both of your sites and found the You Tube documentary and your interview very interesting.

    Keep up the great work and even though I may never attend one of your seminars, I feel I have learnt something from your tutorials.

    Thanks again and Keep safe.


  2. Hands down, this was one of the most inspiring interviews i have seen so far.

    I really like the idea of dedicated practice like a musician, when you lock yourself in and really spending time with the profession and yourself. I also like the analogy of wielding a brush like a sword, like you described in one of you're articles. That helped me to get to the next step in my Hobby experience.

    Die Firma dankt!


    Ps; ich war 2013 beim Gamesday. Ich war zu dem Zeitpunkt 17 und grad ins Hobby eingestiegen, als ich das Diorama sah. Ich wollte einfach mal danke sagen, da ich damals durch unter anderem diesen Blog und durch diesen Besuch beim Gamesday gesehen habe, wie weit man seine Limits pushen kann!
