11 November 2019

FM: Painted while teaching

Aloa Jungle,

during a private coaching with Markus (review coming soon) I painted some figures for explaining different painting aspects and methods.

First I painted some dark evil dog to explain aspects of light and shadow, contrast, zenital light and color variations ...

Second was another dog, explaining aspects of saturation/desaturation ...

We also went into some speedpainting techniques with the so far gathered knowledge ...
15 Minutes Zombie!

Then I helped Markus finding his color scheme of his Army of Krieg. The goal was to find a quick way to paint up these troopers to a good standard. This one was painted and based in about two hours.

And last we checked back on how much detail you can add to a larger metal area while still being fast ...

This was a lot of fun and soon I can show you what my student achieved!

Stay tuned and keep on happy painting!


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