11 October 2019

Review: OSL Workshop, Augsburg, Germany

"Oh Shit … Lightning. What has been the swords of Damocles for me over a couple of months, turned into a valuable piece of my toolbox in just one day. Roman’s style of teaching and his talent to guide his students through the process in a way they not only learn but understand the lecture was the key to master this topic. I was skeptical at first and a bit afraid of the complexity of Object Source Lighting. However Roman's demonstration as well as the approach to first practice the basics before approaching a more complex scene helped me greatly. One day later I checked if I could recall what I had learned and was very pleased with the result."

- Sebastian

Instructor: Roman Lappat

Duration: Saturdays (one day)

I usually do not teach masterclass seminars, but when I do these seminars focus on one subject, because they aim to teach you to master a certain topic. This Object Source Light (OSL) Masterclass
all about light sources from objects and about the "how to" place them and the "why" behind it. After this seminar you can transport these into your projects easily.

Main topics:
- Understand the principles of OSL
- Learn how to include them on different materials
- Learn about different time slots when to include these effects in your projects

Student level: All


Hey Jungle,
One day after the Speedpainting Masterclass it was time for another one day seminar. This time it was all about OSL (Object Source Light).

We've met up in the wonderful school building I am able to use a room in. Most of my students did the class on the prior, but two students changed. Hopefully nobody would be too exhausted from these fifteen minutes calls the day prior :)

Models for the two stages of learning to master OSL were well prepared.

In the first round a lot of theory was content for my students on how to understand light sources and how to transport them to their miniature projects. After this we painted a first test model for studies.

After lunch break we came back to check with my explanation on how to implement this knowledge to a figure with colors. It is really important in this stage to break down the different steps to understand them in full.

Round 2 results:

"Der Kurs war echt super Ich habe die ganze Zeit nicht wirklich gewusst wie ich ein vernünftiges OSL hinbekommen soll, dank deines Workshops is mir vieles jetzt klar und ich kann mich auch an OSL versuchen und weiter Arbeiten." 
- Hansi

"Noch mal besten Dank für die beiden Workshoptage. Das Wochenende war wieder eine perfekte Mischung aus Freude am Malen und Lernen in einer super Atmosphäre und ich freue mich schon auf weitere Workshops in Augsburg."
- Christian 

It was a real pleasure to see you all understand this topic.
Thanks for joining the workshop and making this a beautiful weekend!

Keep on happy painting!


You want to read more OSL Masterclass reviews?

Hamburg, german language

Augsburg, german language
Augsburg, english language
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