30 August 2019

Review: Private Coaching with Tobias

Hello Jungle,

Time for another review on a two day private coaching.
This time Tobias was visiting me in the MV studio to improve his painting skills!
He travelled all the way down from Denmark, had a really crazy train ride experience and was full force ready to tackle our topic of the coaching.

This is what Tobias asked me to teach him:
"Basic principles-texture-grisaille-TMM-skin variation-atmospheric painting-speed painting-fucking smoothness- relaxed'n'fun painting-composition-OSL-display painting-free hand-color mixing-the way of the painter-mini BAM2-monochromatic-happy painting!"

Now for me this describtion feels like the actual studio situation.
A lot of chaos that is not moving and just confusing.

As a well experienced teacher

in miniature painting I knew what Tobias was looking for. He was not searching for all these technical approaches that he mentioned, not a recipe to repeat like a monkey, neither a certain material he wanted to conquer. He wanted it all at once. He was searching for a way to enjoy his personal painting time more without being lost in all the internet's knowledge and guides. He was searching for tools and a guidance that makes him happy and able to improve himself when he paints.
Something to understand the internet's offers in learning miniature painting even more!

... but first: Duckface training!

Second, theory ... not only in form of two wolves, but much theory that went before that to make everything build on top of eachoter and to make it logical. Two beginner classes and a basing class under his belt, Tobias has been a really grateful student to be pushed in that direction.

After theory we tackled the bust that we both agreed on painting during the coaching. Cormac, the Druid by Lucas Pina. We knew beforehand that we will not finish such a complex bust, but I knew beforehand that Tobias will arrive at a point where he will be very happy in what he learned ...

After all that theory it was time
to apply the basic colors.

Tobias says:

"With two Beginnners workshops, one basing class and countless hours of browsing the Massive Voodoo website under the belt, I consider myself a Massive Voodoo veteran, but at the same time a painting novice. I knew that a logical next step in my painting journey would, at some point, be a private-coaching session in the Massive Voodoo studio. So, I went.
Having read numerous reviews, I was well prepared. I knew about the wolf, the skin-tone-thing, the atmosphere setting, etc. At least I thought I did. It turns out that private coaching with Roman is one of those things that can’t be explained, you must experience it to understand it. In my case, anyway.

I don’t know if there is a difference between the two, but I don’t think I ended up learning anything,
I now understand it instead.

It’s like taking control of the steering-wheel in the color cockpit of the millennium Falcon and going smoothly through an asteroid field of – what used to be – problems at warpspeed without a scratch!
(I know, Trekkies

At times, it felt like I could not see the next step, but through Romans careful Socratic questioning I heard myself answering, and to my surprise saw the effect on the pallet, the paper and the mini. And it worked!

Those of you who now the MV atmosphere, and Roman as a host, will know that it is truly a calming and homely feeling, from the minute you meet up and until you say goodbye.

On the final day, Roman took some close-up photos of my bust and seeing those made me feel like a real miniature-painter!

Going to the private coaching has been a true confidence booster for me and I am immensely proud of the result. I would without hesitation recommend anyone going, I am sure Roman will have something to teach you.

So, thank you for the lessons and the hospitality. I had a great time!


Like I said in the beginning the bust was not finished.
It is hard to finish such a complex bust in two days with the amount of theory I throw at my students. Tobias left me with all knowledge gathered that he wanted and a confidence to tackle the missing spots with joy and a clear guidance.

Tobias left me as a proud teacher.
Always when these click moments in my students appear I know why I teach what I know. I also know why I do not use patreon or youtube videos for it. It can not be thaught in these formats. It is something that has to happen between student and teacher and their very own personalities to make things reasonable in the end.

I am grateful to have you as my student and friend, Tobias.
Thank you for your trust, happy painting joy and the good and inspiring chats we shared.


If you want to learn from me
in your very own private coaching session, do not hesitate to contact me for further details via jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com.

Even though my schedule for 2019 is already full in terms of private coaching, we can slowly start making plans for sessions in 2020. I will be there for you and your personal growth as a painter!

You can find more information
about upcoming group workshops via this banner

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

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