17 July 2019

NOVA OPEN 2019 - NOCF Raffle News!

Hey Jungle,

unfortanetely I am not able to be present on this year's amazing event that will be the NOVA OPEN 2019 due the studio move and other variables life threw at me.

I would like to point out your eyes on the show and mainly to the  raffles of the NOCF for a good cause:

Visit the site ( https://novaopenfoundation.org/ )
and enjoy some time perusing the raffles.

Here's a quick outline of what those are:
  • 4 Bundles which include 8 armies and 6 warbands
  • 7 additional unique Armies
  • 3 Specials
  • 19 Models
We are proud to represent the NOCF Artist Consortium in these fundraising adventures. Thank you all, with special recognition to those who were able to participate this year.

NOCF Board of Directors

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