22 May 2019

FM: Wise Woman

"When humans participate in ceremony, they enter a sacred space.

Everything outside of that space shrivels in importance. Time takes on a different dimension. Emotions flow more freely. The bodies of participants become filled with the energy of life, and this energy reaches out and blesses the creation around them. All is made new everything becomes sacred."

- Sun Bear

Wise Woman
Sculpt by Lucas Pina

More photos:

Some Work in Progress photos are available ...

Painting this sculpt was a wonderful experience for me, personally. I really got a connection to her, the character that was hidden in the sculpt. It was a true joy to dig it out with my paint and brushes.

I will check back with the amount of photos made and hopefully there are enough to write up my thoughts in a step by step article for Massive Voodoo :)

For sale.
If you want to make this unique version yours to collect my art and at the same time support me in my work, passion and life feel invited to check back with my miniature art PDF cataloge!
Thank you!

Keep on happy painting!

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