08 February 2019

MV Challenge 2018 Prizes incoming!

Hey Jungle People,

slowly the prizes from the MV Challenge 2018 are dropping in via postal service to their new owners. Slowly. Three random prize pool parcels still have to be sent to their new owners. You can check back with the winners over here!

I just have to bring home the suprise boxes from the studio one by one (I do not own a car) and sent them. Thank you for your patience everyone!

Henrik who has won the 1st prize in the Marie Fleur Challenge with his great diorama - my illustration from Marie Fleur - contacted me as the postal service managed to break the glass of the frame. He did build up something on his own now which I wanted to show you! So beautiful! Thank you, Henrik!

So far!
Soon all the challenge prizes are sent!
Stay tuned for more jungle content!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for your efforts in order to keep our hobby alive!
