14 November 2018

MV Challenge 2018 - Updates

MV Challenge 2018

Important information regarding the actual Massive Voodoo Challenge.

First of all - this is what it's all about:

... and we are closing in to the 15th November which means the end of the challenge.

Changed the date for your entries due some emails that recieved us. People were asking to have more time due some restock waiting time while ordering Marie Fleur or Pinguins.
The new final call date for your entries is 15th of November 2018.

The first entries coming in:

Marie Fleur: #08
Pinguins: #04

The Jungle Suprise Boxes are packed now,
this is the stuff you will find inside. Randomly :)

Such cool entries already.
We will have more updates for you soon!

Stay tuned!

Keep on happy painting!

Roman & Josua


  1. My penguin is almost done. Well, today is still November the 14th... :-)

  2. ... and thanks alot for this creative competition. ;-)

  3. Oops...I thought it was Saturday. Oh well. I still had a good excuse to sculpt five penguins, and they'll get painted.
