15 May 2018

Tip of the week

Make plenty of Work in Progress photos.
All the time. Even if you do not want to write an article about it. It helps you to check back with what you have done during your painting session. Check back with your photos when they are calling you. See things you did not see while painting. Think about them. Take them in consideration. Let your head wrap around ideas and thoughts. Continue.

Keep on happy painting!

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.


  1. Good tip. I'm always taking pictures and the majority (the vast majority!) never see light of day on my blog. But they are useful for reference and for inspiration. Also keep a notebook!

  2. What a good tip, it makes totally sense. I take a lot of wip shots when I am about to write about my process, but rarely otherwise. I think that is about to change... 👍😊

  3. What are those paints in cubic containers?

  4. Totally agree, painting is learn, think, recycle ideas... I am doing a blog as a "Painting diary" because of this. Wanna share it with u:
    Hope u like it! ;)

  5. Ano, 5:27pm: Watercolours.

    Ich mache auch von jedem Schritt bilder, auch von den verwendeten farben. Dann weiß ich, womit ich was bemalt habe.
