10 October 2017

Tip of the week

Do not forget to enter your entries for the actual
Massive Voodoo challenge.

All easy,
you still got time to continue with fun on these two so different topics.
We are so much looking forward to your entries and we are very happy to have recieved so many more in the last days. These will be some great galleries to exhibit your amazing creations. See your emails answered confirmed during this week as I am catching up with my mails soonish!

Sent your entries in until October 19th 2017,
as soon as the calender hits the 20th on Roman's time (located in Augsburg, Germany) entries are not accepted. You will recieve a confirmation mail once your entry was checked. Please write your full name and adress to the email. We need this in case you will win a prize.

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

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