31 October 2017

MV Challenge - the galleries #02

Hey Jungle,

today we  start with showing you the entries from our recent MV challenge.
If you want to know how we proceed read it here.

Well, of course we can not upload all entries at once.
This would be just too much beauty at once and would not garantuee available time to appreciate your beautiful entries. We want to thank everyone who took part once again for showing us that you are a winner painter. A painter who wants to win experience and goes for uncommon topics to discover a journey and new experiences! You all rock!

Total numbers
Waterbase challenge: 34
Infinity challenge: 66

Entries will be shown with first names only. Additionally they will be shown in random order, no not really. We are using the alphabet as a helper here, but still without any connections to any medals or wins. Entries showed will be linked up to the overview in the actual posting. Unfortunately, we are not able to add all your kind comments or describtions to your entries. We are sorry, but be sure that we've read them and enjoyed all your words! If you are missing your entry - even we did this with german and swiss organisation parameters - please be so kind to contact us.

Today we start with Infinity challenge entries - tomorrow water bases.
These were the rules of the challenge:

Walt Disney Infinity - Challenge Rules
  • Repaint a Walt Disney Infinity Figure of your choice
  • Build a base to your model or use it out of the box, conversions are allowed - To be able to judge this category we only allow entries with one Infinity figure. No other additional figures are allowed. Of course you can add a snake, a butterfly or another small animal to
    your bases.
  • No rules on painting the model. Do what you want!
  • Enjoy painting it and sent us your final result to take part in this challenge
  • If you are in need of inspiration on how to tackle such a paintjob, check this article! 
Let's go ... and enjoy :)

#01 Adam (painter's name)

#02 Albert

#03 Alek

#04 Alexander

#05 Andreas

#06 Anja

#07 Audrey

#08 Bartolo

#09 Carlos

#10 Al

See you tomorrow for more ;)

You want to support Massive Voodoo?
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.


  1. Oh my God. This is going to be such a pretty contest. So much eye candy!

  2. I'm so happy I don't have to judge!

  3. Man, the other guys put a LOT of work into theirs! Great efforts, great competition!

  4. I have never seen this figures anywhere so the first thing is what company,the second thing is where can I buy them,and the last is how much do they cost ?

  5. @Blogwith No Name
    Well, it is from Walt Disney, the Range is called "Infinity" and you can find them in toy stores, online via amazon or else and they do run out as Walt Disney will not continue to produce. No idea why, but you might grab some for cheap!
