19 October 2017

Fehur, the Treeman - Peter´s Version

Hey jungle!

today, I want to share my version of Roman´s beautiful Fehur with you.

It´s a very interesting bust and painting it was quite the challenge. Due to it´s unusual surface with almost no plain areas, I had to develop my usual way of painting. It´s a hard task if you want to create a "smooth blending" here, you are rather forced to work with the color in a very rough way. For me, it was a true eye opener and I have to discover this way a lot more :)

I can only recommend to give the bust a try and allow yourself to have fun with color (without any inner borders/rules/limitations)... you can check back with Mr. Lee's Minis booth this upcoming weekend to get your self a copy! Your Fehur-painting-journey awaits you!

Enjoy it:

Fehur, the Treeman
Mr Lee's Minis, 1/11


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