08 September 2017

Mu 98 - Stoessi's Heroes

to another Miniatures Unpacked, 
this time #98, we are closing in to 100. Nice!

This one is all about miniatures in the setting of World War II, focusing on a young, but already well known company called "Stoessi's Heroes":

... who produces great character models for Bolt Action wargames.

If you want to know more about the background of the brand enjoy this enjoyable read!

We will have a closer look on some of the models as recently a fresh new wave of casted sculpts arrived at their headquarters.

Let's open a box ...

Look at the cool packages and that patch ...

Figures arrive well secured in their blisters. A very clean design.

Let's have a look on some of the characters that arrived in the massive jungle - all in 28 mm:

As pictures state these are all heroic characters.
We will have a closer look on the canadian Sergeant of the Devil's Brigade, called "Tommy Prince".
The interesting part of Stoessi's heroes comes to play: Mainly all characters are real characters of history. Check here with Sgt. Prince.

Figures arrive in white metal casts and in an overall really nice quality. There are some mould lines, but these can be easily removed with the careful and precise work of sanding paper or a blade.

The fitting joints work really good and are well thought of.

I did pick this guy from the row of figures as he has a very dynamic pose and I like the advancing movement through all his body.

If you want to give your bolt action armies the right heroes check

You want to support Massive Voodoo? 
If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.

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