07 June 2017


Hey Jungle,

slowly I am finding joy in going to the studio again and paint a little bit.
Though I got several bigger projects in the making I was in need of something simple to get back to colors, brush and music.

I finished a beauty, the Archmage Raisa by the very talented sculpting hands of Kevin James White from Hasslefree Miniatures, but I named her "Voodoo".

Why this? Well it just happened.

Hasslefree Miniatures, 32 mm

That lady and her owl are for sale.
You can find more information via my PDF cataloge.

I thought about preparing an article about painting her, but skipped that as I was not in the mood to take plenty of photos and writing down some stuff. I got some work in progress shots for you and I hope you enjoy them:

Hope you like her!
Keep on happy painting!


  1. Such a great idea for this nice figure.

  2. She is very beautiful, you keep inspiring me. 😊

  3. I like sexy black voodoo Elsa - She looks a bit like the ice queen from the disney movie, maybe it's just the hair...

  4. Great work Roman!

    Loving the dark skintones and the nice contrast work!

  5. Glad to hear that the joy of painting is returning

  6. Haha...the trademark leaves. Lovely paintjob as always!
