16 June 2017

Inuit Warrior

Hey Jungle,

another miniature falls painted from my worktable.
Sculpted by talented Oleksandr Bilibov and Branislav Babovic, distributed by Elite Mini Crew.
On the first glance he looks like a caveman who just realized that fur keeps you warm. I saw an Inuit Warrior in him. That is why he has an ice axe!!

Inuit Warrior
Elite Mini Crew, 32 mm

Inuit Warrior here is not for sale. Already in private collection. Thank you for your support in my work, art and passion!

Keep on happy painting!


  1. Outstanding! the figure itself conveys the feeling of cold and ice and the base complements the figure beautifully. Love it.

  2. The cold palette used here is amazing, and the brushwork is off the hook. He doesn't look very Inuit though. His features look more Norse or Gallic and that abundant beard is not something you see very often, if ever, on Inuit men. Your Inuit Fisherman is much closer.


  3. Thanks, Steve63. Happy that I reached this exact goal with the paintjob.

    @Allison M.
    Absolutely true now that you say it ...
