10 February 2017



wtf is RTGIFI #002?
First, the follow up to RTGIFI #001.
Rest is easy maths: Roman's thank god its friday inspiration! Numero 2!
Stay tuned and enjoy.

I will do these posts regularly, not every Friday, but regularly. They will sum up my irregular inspiration or music posts. It will also help me to clean my inspiration link list and maybe I even create a fine playlist to listen to while painting up little warriors or cowboys.
It is about music, inspiration and stuff that keeps my mind inspired.

Let's start with music: Love this song for painting at the moment :)

And another one...  about Whisky.

Some more inspiration for me this week was the following:

Volomir.com - DO NOT MISS 2017 Week 5
Chris Suhre' Spotlight on Composition
Space Wolf Imperial Knight

When it comes to painting I am pretty much in a Frank Frazetta phase. Really enjoying seeing his artwork of high fantasy all around me and study his colors to let this influance my own way of painting my miniature projects. A cool ride, but sometimes really hard for the brain. This week I got three of my favourite paintings of him linked up:

Frank Frazetta - Sound
Frank Frazetta - Chained
Frank Frazetta - Captive Princess

I mean just look at these colors, this ambience, this dynamic bodies, this power. I love it and I continue to study it. Let's see how this will influance my own little painting world. I might have some more lined up on the next RTGIFI :D 

Keep on happy painting!
- Roman

1 comment:

  1. I just bought the Icon hc art-book of Frazetta myself and was totally amazed by the colour schemes and composition. Just look up the pictures Egyptian Queen, Dark Kingdom or Moon's Rapture. It's pure miniature painting inspiration...
