27 February 2017

Little Sith

Hidiho Jungle,

these weeks on Massive Voodoo do look like a lot of finished miniatures still have to be shown in here and you are absolutely right. Plenty more to come.

Early 2017 Roman was giving away this little Sith girl by Hasslefree Miniatures in 28mm as a free giveaway on Instagram. He wanted to thank everybody who followed him there and celebrate 5000 IG followers with this give away. One lucky winner was drawn and already recieved the miniature.

You can follow Roman on Instagram here too.
He already announced the next milestone when another miniature project by him will be given away!
Well, now to the little Sith ...

Hasslefree Miniatures, 28 mm

You can find more photos of her via Putty&Paint:

Roman wrote an article for Figure Painter Magazine focusing on OSL (Object Source Light): 

Keep on happy painting!

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