14 January 2017

Miniature Art by Alfonso Giraldes "Banshee"

Hi Jungle, 

this is truely something beautiful.
The describtion says it is a look into Alfonso's vision of miniature painting. We'd say this is more than this. It is a great example how you can transport our love and passion of the hobby of miniature painting to a broader audience. This can be shown even to Roman's mum and she understands it without being shocked by a samurai Ogre that chopped off a head of a unicorn.

Definatly worth a share. Enjoy!

Like we told you some days ago Massive Voodoo starts slow into the new year.
We got a lot of stuff in preparation, but right now only a limited time to prepare it for the blog.

Stay tuned for more, but also relax and be patient
and in the meantime most important:

Keep on happy painting!